T-Rex Facts - Question 7

T-Rex Facts - Question 7

T-Rex Facts – Question 7

Which of these dinosaur types wasTyrannosaurus Rex?

Ornithopod, Sauropod, Theropod?

The answer to T-Rex Facts - Question 6

Did Tyrannosaurus Rex really kill and eat Triceratops?

There has been an ongoing argument about whether Tyrannosaurus Rex killed other dinosaurs for food, or whether they just scavenged on any remains they found. The evidence seems to suggest that they did both. As Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops were contemporaries, it was possible that sometimes the herbivore was attacked by the carnivore. However, it is unlikely that T-Rex would have risked injury by attacking a fully grown Triceratops which could have been heavier. Easier options for a meal would usually have been available.

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Posted: Monday 19 August 2024


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