Ice Age Creatures Facts Question 10

Ice Age Creatures Facts Question 10

Woolly Mammoths did not live in which one of these continents?

Asia, Europe, North America, South America

(The answer will be in the next post, or perhaps you can work it out from the website now.)

The answer to Dinosaur Facts - Question 9

The largest dinosaurs of these dinosaur types were. Theropods, Sauropods, Ornithopods

Theropods were bipedal and stood upright. They had hollow bones and three toes and claws on each limb. While Tyrannosaurus Rex was a giant carnivorous theropod, some theropods were herbivores or omnivores. Neither were all theropods large, and the smallest non-avian one was probably about the size of a chicken. During the Jurassic, birds evolved from a group of small non-flying theropods.

Sauropods were herbivores with massive bodies, long necks and tails, and small heads. The biggest of them were the largest land animals ever. Evidence of these quadrupeds has been found on all continents except Antarctica. It appears that they swallowed small stones to help them grind up the plant material they had eaten.

Ornithopods were herbivores that developed in the Jurassic but flourished in the Cretaceous. They were one of the most successful dinosaurs and gained advantage because of the development of sophisticated chewing apparatus. They became the dinosaur equivalent of grazers such as cattle. Early ornithopods were small, but later ones such as Edmontosaurus might have weighed up to 4 tons. Hadrosaurs, such as Edmontosaurus, are known to have lived in large herds and cared for their young.

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Posted: Wednesday 9 October 2024


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