T-Rex Facts - Question 8

T-Rex Facts - Question 8

T-Rex Facts – Question 8

Did Tyrannosaurus Rex ever have fun?

We don't know if Tyrannosaurus had fun.

However, many people have had fun, by imagining T-Rex having fun.

It can also be great fun learning about Tyrannosaurus Rex.

On the website www.oldt-rex.com you can see some children enjoying the quirky, factual, rhyming story about 'Old T-Rex'.

The answer to T-Rex Facts - Question 7

Which of these dinosaur types was Tyrannosaurus Rex? Ornithopod, Sauropod, Theropod.

Tyrannosaurus Rex was the most famous of the theropods. Theropods were "beast-footed" dinosaurs, but this name is misleading because their feet were usually bird-like. These carnivores had hollow thin-walled bones, while each limb had three toes and claws. Not all theropods were large, and birds are descendants of one line of small theropods.

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Posted: Tuesday 3 September 2024


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